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For the active immunisation of sheep and cattle from 2 weeks of age against disease associated with infections caused by C. perfringens Type B, C. perfringens Type C, C. perfringens Type D, C. chauvoei, C. novyi Type B, C. septicum, C. haemolyticum and against tetanus caused by C. tetani.
For passive immunisation of lambs and calves against infections caused by the above mentioned clostridial species (except C. haemolyticum in sheep).
Onset of immunity is two weeks after the primary course.
Duration of active immunity
An anamnestic humoral immune response (immunological memory) to all components has been demonstrated by serology 12 months following the primary course of vaccination.
12 months against C. perfringens Type B, C and D, C. novyi Type B, C. tetani.
< 6 months against C. septicum, C. haemolyticum, C. chauvoei.
12 months against C. tetani and C. perfringens Type D.
< 12 months against C. perfringens Type B and C. < 6 months against C. novyi Type B, C. septicum, C. haemolyticum, C. chauvoei.
Duration of passive immunity as demonstrated by serology/persistent antibody titre:
At least 2 weeks for C. septicum and C. chauvoei, at least 8 weeks for C. perfringens Type B and C. perfringens Type C and at least 12 weeks for C. perfringens Type D, C. novyi Type B and C. tetani. No passive immunity was observed for C.haemolyticum.
At least 2 weeks for C. haemolyticum, at least 8 weeks for C. septicum and C. chauvoei and at least 12 weeks for C. perfringens Type B, C. perfringens Type C, C. perfringens Type D, C. novyi Type B, and C. tetani.