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Clinical particulars
Target species
Cattle, sheep, pigs and dogs.
Indications for use
Cattle and Sheep: For the control and treatment of respiratory and other infections caused by amoxicillin susceptible bacteria only.
Pigs: For the treatment of infectious diseases in pigs caused by or associated with organisms sensitive to amoxicillin.
Dogs: For the treatment of infectious diseases in dogs caused by or associated with organisms sensitive to amoxicillin.
Not suitable for intravenous or intrathecal administration.
Not to be administered to small herbivores.
Do not use in known cases of hypersensitivity to beta-lactam antibiotics.
Special warnings for each target species
Not effective against Beta-lactamase producing organisms.
Special precautions for use
Precautions for use in animals
Routine aseptic precautions should be taken.
Special precautions to be taken by the person administering the veterinary medicinal product to animals
Penicillins and cephalosporins may cause hypersensitivity (allergy) following injection, inhalation, ingestion or skin contact. Hypersensitivity to penicillins may lead to cross-reactions to cephalosporins and vice versa. Allergic reactions to these substances may occasionally be serious.
Do not handle this product if you know you are sensitised, or if you have been advised not to work with such preparations.
Handle this preparation with great care to avoid exposure, taking all recommended precautions.
If you develop symptoms following exposure such as a skin rash, you should seek medical advice and show the Doctor this warning. Swelling of the face, lips or eyes or difficulty with breathing are more serious symptoms and require urgent medical attention.
Adverse reactions
As with all penicillins, amoxicillin may cause hypersensitivity (allergy) and should not be used when an animal is known to be allergic to beta-lactams.
Occasional local reaction of a transient nature may occur at the site of injection.
Use during pregnancy, lactation or lay
As with all other antibiotics, Bimoxyl LA should be used with caution during pregnancy and lactation. There is no evidence that the use of amoxicillin presents any particular hazard either to the dam or to the foetus.
Bimoxyl LA is unlikely to interact significantly with any other drugs commonly administered to animals.
It is not recommended to administer bactericidal and bacteriostatic antibiotics concomitantly.
Amounts to be administered and administration route
This product does not contain an antimicrobial preservative. Use a dry, sterile needle and syringe. Swab the septum before removing each dose. Shake the vial well before use.
Cattle, Sheep & Pigs: By intramuscular route only.
Dogs: By subcutaneous injection.
The injection site should be massaged after injection.
The recommended dosage rate is 15 mg amoxicillin per kg bodyweight. This is equivalent to 1 ml/10 kg. One repeat administration may be given after 48 hours.
The maximum injection volume at any one site is:
Cattle: 20 ml; Sheep: 4 ml; Pigs: 5 ml; Dogs: 2.5 ml.
Larger dose volumes should be divided and given into separate sites.
Use a dry syringe for extraction of suspension to avoid hydrolysis of amoxicillin.
An appropriately graduated syringe must be used to allow accurate administration of the required dose volume. This is particularly important when injecting small volumes.
The safety of amoxicillin is typical of that of other penicillins in that intrinsic toxicity is very low, except in animals with specific allergy to the Beta-lactams, and this seems rare. Tolerance studies at twice the normal recommended dose in the named target species have been carried out with no adverse effects being observed. Treatment is symptomatic.
Withdrawal periods
Cattle: Meat and offal: 21 days
Milk: 72 hours
Sheep: Meat and offal: 19 days
Not authorised for use in sheep producing milk for human consumption.
Pigs: Meat and offal: 24 days.