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Pharmacological particulars
Pharmacotherapeutic group: Barbiturates in combination with other drugs.
ATCvet code: QN05CB02
Pharmacodynamic properties
Secobarbitone is a hypnotic derivative of barbituric acid with a rapid onset of action, which profoundly depresses the central nervous system, including the respiratory centres. Cinchocaine has marked cardiotoxic effects at high doses. When given in combination the barbiturate produces rapid loss of consciousness and cessation of respiration while the cinchocaine depresses cardiac conduction resulting in early cardiac arrest. Since cardiac arrest is not dependent on the development of profound hypoxia, euthanasia with the combination is generally not accompanied with the gasping which may occur with other agents.
Pharmacokinetic properties
In practice the pharmacokinetics are not relevant, since the death of the animal will have occurred prior to clearance of the drug from the body.