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Pharmacological particulars
Pharmacotherapeutic group: Electrolytes
ATCvet code: QB05BB01
Pharmacodynamic properties
The solution is used as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of circulatory shock. It is intended to provide an interim boost to cardiovascular function, pending restoration of the circulatory volume by conventional isotonic intravenous rehydration solutions. It is intended to improve cardiac output and cause a favourable redistribution of blood flow, to the renal and visceral circulation in particular.
Pharmacokinetic particulars
Intravenous infusion ensures rapid distribution.
The kidneys excrete excess sodium and chloride, particularly by reducing the secretion of aldosterone, resulting in the elimination of hypertonic urine. Hypertonia of the extracellular fluid stimulates osmoreceptors with increased secretion of antidiuretic hormone, which reduces the diuresis. Hypertonia of the intracellular fluid causes thirst, so the animal will drink until the normal osmotic pressure or osmolality of the body is restored.