Bodyweight should be determined as accurately as possible. One bolus should be administered to each animal being turned out to pasture for the first grazing season.
Alternatively one bolus may be administered later in the grazing season - ideally approximately three weeks before the first anthelmintic dose is normally required, or approximately one week before a move to pasture which has previously been contaminated by worm eggs.
Lungworm infestations, which develop during the active life of the bolus and are present at the time of pulsing will be controlled by oxfendazole.
Under conditions of very heavy larval challenge, clinical signs of lungworm can become evident within 10-14 days of picking up an infection. Therefore, if clinical signs of lungworm occur in treated animals they should be dosed immediately with an appropriate anthelmintic. Lungworm infestations can also sometimes develop after the active life of the bolus.
Administer orally using the Autoworm Bolus Applicator which delivers the bolus directly into the top of the gullet.
When using the Autoworm Bolus Applicator, insert the bolus into the balling gun with the metal end weight innermost.
The applicator should be inserted from the front (not sides) of the mouth and over the back of the tongue, with no more than gentle, firm pressure. As the animal begins to swallow the end of the gun, the passage down the throat becomes easier. The applicator is now in position for firing. Depress the plunger to eject the bolus. Normal care should be taken not to cause injury by placing the gun too far inside the throat of the animal. Ensure that each animal has swallowed the bolus by observing the animal for a short time after dosing.