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Dosage and administration
Sheep – from 2 weeks of age
Dose – 1 ml
Cattle – from 2 weeks of age
Dose – 2 ml
Basic vaccination scheme: Two doses should be administered, 4-6 weeks apart.
Re-vaccination scheme: A single dose should be administered every 6 to 12 months after the basic vaccination scheme.
By subcutaneous injection at a suitable site. The recommended site is the loose skin on the side of the neck. The bottle should be well shaken before any vaccine is withdrawn. Syringes and needles should be sterile before use and the injection should be made through an area of clean, dry skin taking precautions against contamination.
Use in pregnancy: To provide passive protection of the offspring, via the colostrum, a single booster dose should be administered between 8 and 2 weeks before parturition, provided that animals have received a full primary vaccination course before pregnancy.