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Contra-indications, warnings, etc
Deccox can be used during pregnancy and lactation.
Do not use in cases of hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients.
The use of the product will maintain normal growth under conditions of coccidial challenge but does not improve growth of healthy lambs or calves.
Do not mix with or into feeds containing any other anticoccidial product.
Overdosage is unlikely with in-feed medication. Decoquinate dosages of 4 mg/kg bodyweight in sheep and lambs and 6 mg/kg bodyweight in calves have been found to be well tolerated and without observable side effects.
To help obtain even distribution in the final feed, it is recommended first to mix thoroughly at the rate of 1 part of Deccox to 3 parts of the feed before blending into the final mix. In the preparation of pelleted feed, preconditioning temperatures of up to 80°C for short periods have been used and shown to have no effect on the product.
A manufacturer authorised to incorporate at levels below 2 kg per tonne must be responsible for mixing when incorporation is less than 2 kg per tonne of final feed.
Medication of ewe rations may not prevent coccidiosis occurring in lambs and should only be given in conjunction with lamb medication.
Deccox is only authorised for use in medicated feeding stuffs or premixtures. In both cases it must be thoroughly mixed with feeding stuffs materials to ensure it is evenly distributed throughout the mixture. Any premixture containing this product must be thoroughly mixed with feeding stuffs materials to ensure that is evenly distributed throughout the final feed.
Withdrawal period
Cattle and sheep: meat and offal: zero days.
Milk: Not authorised for use in animals producing milk for human consumption.
User warnings
When handling the product, prevent direct contact with the skin, avoid inhaling dust and wash hands after use.
Do not eat, drink or smoke when handling the product. Only handle in a well ventilated area.