NOAH Compendium

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Date: Friday, September 13, 2024 2:48

Release 2.17
Dysect Cattle 15 g/l Pour-On Solution
Species: Cattle
Therapeutic indication: Pharmaceuticals: Ectoparasiticides: For cattle
Active ingredient: Cypermethrin alpha
Product:Dysect® Cattle Pour-On
Product index: Dysect Cattle Pour-On
Cattle - milk: Zero hours
Cattle - meat: 28 days
A ready to use topical insecticidal solution containing 15 g/l alphacypermethrin.
For topical application to control flies and lice on cattle.
Dosage and administration
All cattle, 10 ml per animal. Apply a single 10 ml dose, with the applicator gun, from the crown of the head down the neck and along the middle of the back of the animal.
Fly control
To control biting and nuisance flies, treatments should be repeated as necessary. Frequency of application will depend on the numbers and species of flies present; normally nuisance flies on the head and face can be controlled for up to four to five weeks and for the biting horn fly for up to eight weeks.
Lice control
To control sucking and biting lice, one application treatment will normally eradicate all the lice. If a few lice survive on individual animals, it may be necessary on very rare occasions to re-treat an animal.
Contra-indications, warnings, etc
For external use only.
Dysect is of low toxicity and acute poisoning is unlikely to occur. Signs of discomfort may be exhibited by some animals after treatment. This will not last longer than 48 hours and will have no lasting effect on the animal.
The product can be safely used during pregnancy and lactation.
Operator warnings
Wear waterproof apron and boots and impervious gloves when applying the product and when handling recently treated animals.
Wash splashes from skin and eyes immediately.
Remove heavily contaminated clothing and wash before re-use.
Wash hands and exposed skin before eating, drinking or smoking and after work.
Withdrawal period
Meat: 28 days
Milk: zero hours
Pharmaceutical precautions
Do not store above 25°C. Store in tightly closed original container. Store away from food, drink and animal feedstuffs.
Dangerous to fish and aquatic life. Do not contaminate ponds, waterways or ditches with the product or used containers.
Any unused veterinary medicinal product or waste materials derived from such veterinary medicinal product should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements.
Keep out of the sight and reach of children.
For animal treatment only.
Legal category
Legal category: POM-VPS
Packaging quantities
250 ml, 500 ml and 1 L HDPE dispenser pack. Not all pack sizes may be marketed.
Marketing Authorisation Number
Vm 42058/4054
Significant changes
GTIN description:1 litre: