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Dosage and administration
In the dog, the recommended dosage is 4 mg/kg (1 ml/12.5 kg) bodyweight, by intravenous or subcutaneous injection, best given pre-operatively, either at the time of premedication or induction of anaesthesia. To extend analgesia and anti-inflammatory cover post-operatively, parenteral therapy may be followed with Rimadyl Tablets at 4 mg/kg/day for up to 5 days.
In the cat, the recommended dosage is 4 mg/kg (0.24 ml/3 kg) bodyweight by subcutaneous or intravenous injection, best given pre-operatively at the time of induction of anaesthesia. In the cat, due to the longer half-life, and narrower therapeutic index, particular care should be taken not to exceed the recommended dose and the use of a 1 ml graduated syringe is recommended to measure the dose accurately.
Clinical trial evidence in dogs and cats suggests that only a single dose of carprofen is required in the first 24 hours peri-operatively; if further analgesia is required within this period, a single half-dose (2 mg/kg) of carprofen may be given to dogs (but not cats) as necessary.