NOAH Compendium

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Date: Tuesday, February 18, 2025 4:12

Release 2.241
Dolethal 200mg/ml Solution for injection
Species: Cats, Cattle, Dogs
Therapeutic indication: Pharmaceuticals: Neurological preparations: Euthanasia products
Active ingredient: Pentobarbital Sodium
Product:Dolethal 200mg/ml Solution for injection
Product index: Dolethal 200mg/ml Solution for injection
Withdrawal notes: Do not use in animals intended for animal consumption
A pink liquid solution for injection containing 200mg/ml pentobarbital sodium.
Other constituents include: benzyl alcohol 10.40mg/ml and ponceau 4R (E124) 0.01mg/ml
For euthanasia of small animals (mainly dogs and cats) and cattle.
Dosage and administration
0.7 ml per kg bodyweight by rapid intravenous injection. The product solution is not intended for dilution with water or any other fluid.
Contra-indications, warnings, etc
Not to be used in animals intended for animal consumption. Do not use for anaesthesia.
Special precautions for use in animals:
Select the needle gauge based on the species and size of animal and check that the syringe and needle are mounted and secured correctly. It is important to ensure that any pressure created during delivery does not lead to the needle disconnecting from the syringe. The amount of the drug to be administered may mean that a smaller gauge needle may not deliver the necessary volume at an appropriate speed. Any volume administered outside the vein will reduce the efficacy of the dose.
Special precautions to be taken by the person administering the veterinary medicinal product to animals:
Care should be taken to ensure the pressure on the syringe is not too great to avoid accidental spraying of the face and eyes (see ‘Special precautions for use in animals’).
Wear suitable protective gloves and glasses when handling the product. Avoid accidental self- administration and self-injection.
In the case of accidental self-administration, by injection, ingestion or skin absorption, seek URGENT medical attention, advising medical service of barbiturate poisoning.
In the event of an accident, the following action should be taken:
Skin: Wash immediately with water and then thoroughly with soap and water.
Eyes: Wash immediately with cold water and obtain medical attention.
Ingestion: Obtain medical attention immediately. Wash out mouth. Keep warm and rest.
Accidental self-injection: Obtain URGENT medical attention, advising medical services of barbiturate poisoning. Do not leave patient unattended.
Advice to Doctor: Maintain airways and give symptomatic and supportive treatment.
Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction:
The effects of the product are increased by concomitant administration of sedatives (xylazine or acepromazine).
Overdose (symptoms, emergency procedures, antidotes) if necessary:
In the event of accidental administration to an animal not presented for euthanasia, measures such as artificial respiration, administration of oxygen and the use of analeptics are appropriate.
Withdrawal period(s):
Not to be used in animals intended for human consumption.
Pharmaceutical precautions
The product solution is not intended for dilution with water or any other fluid.
Protect from light.
Following withdrawal of the first dose, use the product within 3 months. Discard unused materials.
Any unused product must be destroyed in accordance with the Misuse of Drugs Regulations (2001). Any waste materials should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements.
Legal category
Legal category: POM-V
Legal category description:CD(Sch 3)
Packaging quantities
Cartons containing colourless multidose glass bottles containing 100 or 250ml non-sterile aqueous solution. Not all pack sizes may be marketed.
Further information
The active ingredient in Dolethal is pentobarbital, which is a barbiturate. Barbiturates act by depressing the central nervous system, inhibiting accumulation of calcium in nervous tissue, which leads to liberation of norepinephrine, acetylcholine, glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid. This leads to sedation and coma.
Barbiturates also act on cardiac and respiratory systems bringing on apnoea and cardiac arrest.
Marketing Authorisation Number
UK: Vm 08007/4034
Significant changes
GTIN description:Dolethal