Do not administer to accelerate parturition if the cervix is not opened or if there is a mechanical cause for the delayed parturition such as physical obstruction, positional and postural abnormalities, convulsive labour, threatened rupture of the uterus, uterine torsion, relative foetal oversize or deformities of the birth canal
The interval between two injections should not be shorter than 24 hours.
Reprocine is indicated to induce milk ejection.
The administration of oxytocin after the administration of Reprocine is unnecessary. Due to a possible intensification of the effect of oxytocin undesirable uterine spasms may be induced.
Injection of more than twice the recommended dose rate (more than 0.4mg of carbetocin/animal) could increase the stillbirth rate in older sows if administered during prolonged parturition.
A threefold overdose (0.6mg of carbetocin/animal) may induce profuse lactation in sows that may result in diarrhoea, reduced weight gain and increased mortality in their piglets.
Carbetocin is considered as moderately irritant. At the injection sites of treated animals, focal lymphocytic infiltration was observed at higher doses (1.0mg of carbetocin/animal).
Withdrawal period
Cattle, pigs: - meat and offal zero days
Cattle: - milk zero days
Operator warnings
In case of accidental self injection of the veterinary medicinal product in non-pregnant women the following effects may occur; facial flushing and warmth, lower abdominal pain. These effects usually disappear within a short span of time.
Pregnant women, women post partum and breast-feeding women should not use this product in order to avoid accidental exposure. In case of accidental self-injection uterine contractions could be induced in pregnant women.