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Contra-indications, warnings, etc
Do not use in cases of known hypersensitivity to the active substance or any of the excipients.
Cattle (for environmental reasons): Do not use in calves weighing more than 80 kg body weight.
Do not use in veal or beef calves.
Special warnings for each target species
As with any antiparasiticides, frequent and repeated use of antiprotozoals from the same class may lead to the development of resistance.
It is recommended to treat all calves or lambs in a pen. Hygienic measures may reduce the risk of coccidiosis. It is therefore, recommended to improve concomitantly the hygienic conditions in the concerned facility, particularly dryness and cleanliness. To obtain maximum benefit, animals should be treated before the expected onset of clinical signs, i.e. in the prepatent period. To alter the course of an established clinical coccidial infection, in individual animals already showing signs of diarrhoea, additional supportive therapy may be required.
Special precautions for use in animals
Special precautions to be taken by the person administering the veterinary medicinal product to animals
People with known hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients should avoid contact with the veterinary medicinal product. Wash any splashes from skin or eyes immediately with water.
Other precautions
In order to prevent any adverse effects on plants and possible contamination of groundwater, manure from treated calves must be not be spread onto land without dilution with manure from untreated cattle. Manure from treated calves must be diluted with at least 3 times the weight of manure from untreated cattle before it can be spread onto land.
Lambs kept throughout the whole life span indoors under an intensive rearing system must not be treated beyond the age of 6 weeks or body weight of more than 20 kg at treatment. Manure from treated animals should only be applied to the same piece of land every third year.
A threefold overdose is well tolerated by healthy piglets and calves without signs of intolerance. In lambs, no signs of overdose have been observed with threefold overdose at a single treatment and twofold overdose at treatment on two consecutive days.
Adverse Reaction: None known.
Interactions None known
In the absence of compatibility studies, this veterinary medicinal product must not be mixed with other veterinary medicinal products.
Environmental safety
Any unused veterinary medicinal product or waste materials derived from such veterinary medicinal products should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements.
Withdrawal Periods
Meat & Offal: 77 days.
Meat & Offal: 63 days.
Milk: Not authorised for use in lactating animals producing milk for human consumption.
Meat & Offal: 42 days.
Milk: Not authorised for use in lactating sheep producing milk for human consumption.