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Contra-indications, warnings, etc
Do not use in pregnant ewes.
Do not use in ewes with abnormal or immature genital tracts, or with genital infections.
The efficacy and safety of the veterinary medicinal product has not been evaluated in ewes which are unwell, which have a BCS < 2 or ≥ 4, which have had complications during previous pregnancies or lambings, or which have lambed within the last 45 days. Use only according to the benefit/risk assessment by the responsible veterinarian.
Animals in poor condition, whether from illness, inadequate nutrition, or other factors, may respond poorly to treatment.
Local irritation and discharge of cloudy/yellow mucus are common (more than 1 but less than 10 animals in 100 animals displaying adverse reactions during the course of one treatment) and discharge of dark red/brown mucus or mucus with fresh blood is uncommon (more than 1 but less than 10 animals in 1,000 animals). However, these signs typically resolve within 2 days of removal of the device without the need for treatment.
Withdrawal period:
Meat and offal: zero days.
Milk: zero hours.
User warnings:
Progesterone is a potent steroid hormone and may cause adverse effects on the reproductive system in cases of high or prolonged exposure.
Adverse effects on unborn children cannot be ruled out.
The product may cause skin and eye irritation, as well as allergic skin rashes.
Those administering the product should avoid contact with the silicone section; pregnant women should avoid using the product completely.
Wear gloves when administering and disposing of the product. Insert the device using the applicator.
Wash hands and exposed skin with soap and water after use.
Do not smoke, eat or drink while handling the product.