Target Species
Indications for use
For the active immunisation of cattle to reduce clinical signs and lesions of parasitic bronchitis attributable to Dictyocaulus viviparous (lungworm).
Onset of immunity: 2 weeks after completion of the basic vaccination scheme.
Duration of immunity: lungworm immunity is maintained from season to season by the exposure to lungworm larvae, which in most cases occurs from the grazing of normal pastures. If such exposure does not occur, a single booster dose is required prior to each season’s turnout.
Do not use in calves showing any signs of illness, particularly those exhibiting any signs of respiratory distress.
Special warnings for each target species
Routine vaccination of housed or suckled young stock prior to exposure to field lungworm challenge will help protect the calves and help reduce the levels of pasture contamination with lungworm larvae. However, owing to the ability of lungworm larvae to survive on pasture, calfhood vaccination programmes to control lungworm infection can only be successful if all susceptible calves are vaccinated in the spring before exposure to natural field infection occurs at turnout or weaning.
A good immune response is reliant on the reaction of an immunogenic agent and a fully competent immune system.
Immunogenicity of the vaccine antigen will be reduced by poor storage or inappropriate administration. Immuno-competence of the animal may be compromised by a variety of factors including poor health, nutritional status, genetic factors, concurrent drug therapy and stress.
Special precautions for use
Vaccinate only healthy animals.
Following vaccination, vaccinated stock should not be mixed with unvaccinated stock or allowed to graze on pastures recently used by unvaccinated stock until 2 weeks after the second dose of Bovilis Huskvac.
Note: For optimum benefit it is important that the calf is exposed to pasture carrying some infection after this time, as this low level exposure enhances the immunity induced by vaccination with Bovilis Huskvac.
Operator warnings
Wash hands after use.
Adverse Reactions
Transient episodes of coughing may occur approximately 7 days after either dose of Bovilis Huskvac but these usually subside in a few days.
Use during pregnancy or lactation
Can be used during pregnancy.
No information is available on the safety and efficacy of this vaccine when used with any other veterinary medicinal product. A decision to use this vaccine before or after any other veterinary medicinal product therefore needs to be made on a case by case basis.
To ensure residual effects of long-acting anthelmintics and endectocides or sustained release bolus preparations do not interfere with the development of immunity following lungworm vaccination, avoid vaccination during period of their activity, and do not use until 14 days after the second dose of Bovilis Huskvac.
Amounts to be administered and administration route
Vaccinate healthy animals of 8 weeks of age and older.
Shake bottle well immediately before use and administer the full dose (25ml) orally.
Vaccination regime
Basic vaccination scheme
Two doses at a dosage interval of approximately 4 weeks.
Lungworm immunity is maintained from season to season by the exposure to lungworm larvae, which in most cases occurs from the grazing of normal pastures after vaccination. Under these conditions of exposure, re-vaccination is generally not required.
A single dose of Bovilis Huskvac prior to each season’s turnout will boost immunity where such exposure has not occurred, e.g. extensive use of anthelmintics or if using reserved or clean pasture for a large part of the grazing season.
No symptoms other than those detailed in Adverse reactions were observed following administration of twice the recommended dose.
Withdrawal period
Zero days.