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Pharmacological particulars
Pharmacotherapeutic group: Anterior pituitary lobe hormones and analogues.
ATCvet code: QH01AA02
Pharmacodynamic properties
Tetracosactide is a synthetic polypeptide, which consists of the first 24 amino acids of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). The administration of tetracosactide results in cortisol concentrations that are significantly elevated compared to baseline values. Administration of tetracosactide at a dose of 5 µg/kg, either by intravenous or intramuscular administration, leads to a maximum concentration of cortisol at 60-90 minutes after administration. Doses lower than 5 µg/kg result in a shorter duration of maximal cortisol secretion than a dose of 5 µg/kg. Doses higher than 5 µg/kg do not cause higher peak cortisol concentrations.
Pharmacokinetic properties
Compared to intramuscular administration, intravenous administration of tetracosactide results in a higher maximum plasma concentration (Cmax) of immunoreactive (IR)-ACTH, a measurement which includes both endogenous ACTH and tetracosactide. By either route of administration, the time of peak concentration (Tmax) of IR-ACTH occurs at or before 30 minutes following administration. Peptidases rapidly break tetracosactide down into smaller peptides, with a return to baseline IR‑ACTH concentrations attained by 120 minutes post-dosing.