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Contra-indications, warnings, etc
Do not use Powdox in animals hypersensitive to tetracyclines, in animals with hepatic dysfunction or for laying hens. Allergic and photosensitivity reactions can occur. The intestinal flora may be affected if treatment is prolonged, and this may result in digestive disturbance. Do not administer Powdox to laying birds from four weeks before the start of lay or during lay. It should not be used during pregnancy or lactation. Absorption of doxycycline may be reduced by a high concentration of calcium, iron, magnesium or aluminium in the diet. Do not administer it with antacids, kaolin or iron preparations. Do not administer it with bactericidal antibiotics. The solubility of the product depends on acidity and it will precipitate if mixed in an alkaline solution. Do not administer it with milk replacers.
Avoid administration in oxidized drinking equipment.
Do not handle the product if you are hypersensitive to tetracyclines. Wear gloves, overalls and approved safety glasses. This product is acid and likely to be irritant. Avoid its contact with the skin and eyes. In case of contact with skin, rinse it immediately with plenty of water. In case of contact with eyes, rinse them immediately with copious amounts of water and seek medical advice. Do not smoke, eat or drink while handling this product. It can be harmful by skin contact and inhalation and may cause eye irritation. In case of accidental ingestion seek medical advice and show the label to the doctor. If any clinical sign should appear, such as a cutaneous eruption, seek prompt medical advice. Swelling of the face, lips or eyes or respiratory difficulties are the most serious signs and require urgent medical attention.
Withdrawal period: 7 days.