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Clinical particulars
Target Species
Pigs (sows and gilts)
Indications for use
Parturition in sows and gilts, to facilitate the management of farrowing.
Special warnings for each target species
Special precautions for use
Induction of farrowing too early in pregnancy can lead to non-viable piglets being born. An increase in the number of non-viable piglets may result if used more than two days prior to the average gestation length calculated from farm records
Operator warnings
Direct contact with skin or mucous membranes of the user should be avoided. Prostaglandins of the F2α type may be absorbed through the skin and may cause bronchospasm or miscarriage. Care should be taken when handling the product to AVOID SELF-INJECTION OR SKIN CONTACT.
Pregnant women, women of child-bearing age, asthmatics and persons with other respiratory tract diseases should exercise caution when handling cloprostenol. Those persons should avoid contact or wear disposable plastic gloves during administration of the product.
Accidental spillage on the skin should be washed off immediately with soap and water.
The possible incidence of bronchospasm with the product is unknown. Should shortness of breath result from accidental inhalation or injection, seek urgent medical advice and show the doctor this warning. Wash hands after use.
Adverse Reactions
None known
Use during pregnancy or lactation
Do not use in pregnant animals when parturition is not intended.
None known
Amounts to be administered and administration route
A single 2ml dose is given by deep intramuscular injection. It is recommended that a 1½ inch needle be used.
Having calculated the average gestation length for each farm, sows and gilts may be injected two days before this date or on any date thereafter to suit the requirements of the particular management system. Trials have shown that normally 95% of animals will commence farrowing within 36 hours of treatment. The majority of animals can be expected to respond within the period 24±5 hours following injection, except in those cases where spontaneous farrowing is imminent.
The product can be used under a variety of management systems to facilitate batch management of sows and gilts. This may help to minimise farrowing at antisocial times and planning husbandry around the farrowing period.
No adverse reactions reported
Withdrawal periods
Animals must not be slaughtered for human consumption during treatment.
Pigs may be slaughtered for human consumption only after 2 days from the last treatment.