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Clinical particulars
Target species
Indications for use
Local anaesthesia of the laryngeal mucosa of the cat in order to facilitate endotracheal intubation by preventing stimulation of the laryngeal reflex.
Do not use in animals which are hypovolaemic or show heart block. Do not use in known cases of hypersensitivity to the active substance or any of the excipients.
Special warnings for each target species
Laryngeal spasm can also be stimulated by removal of the endotracheal tube. This should be carried out while the patient is still under anaesthesia.
Special precautions for use in animals
Use with care in cases with hepatic and or cardiac insufficiency.
It is advisable to cold sterilise the nozzle between uses to avoid the spread of infection.
Special precautions to be taken by the person administering the veterinary medicinal product to animals
- Lidocaine and chlorocresol may cause hypersensitivity (allergic) reactions. People with known hypersensitivity to these substances should avoid contact with the product.
- Accidental exposure to this product may lead to local effects such as numbing, and systemic effects, such as dizziness or drowsiness. Accidental exposure, particularly oral, eye and inhalation exposure, should be avoided.
- Wear gloves when handling the product and wash any exposed areas after use. If accidental exposure to eyes occurs, rinse with water.
- In cases of severe or extended reactions, seek medical advice and show the label to the physician.
- Lidocaine can form genotoxic and mutagenic metabolites in humans. These metabolites can also induce, in long-term toxicology studies in rats, carcinogenic effects at high doses.
Use during pregnancy, lactation or lay
Laboratory studies in mice have shown evidence of foetotoxic effects at high doses.
No safety studies have been conducted with the product in pregnant queens.
Use only accordingly to the benefit / risk assessment by the responsible veterinarian.
Amounts to be administered and administration route
For laryngopharyngeral use.
Give one or two sprays at the back of the throat.
Prior to use, prime the pump until liquid is released. Minimum of 4 sprays are recommended for priming the bottle before first use and at least 2 sprays are recommended for re-priming if unused for 7 days or longer.
Each spray (approximately 0.14 ml) contains approximately 2.8 mg of lidocaine hydrochloride monohydrate, which corresponds to 2.27 mg of lidocaine.
Allow 30-90 seconds before attempting intubation, so that the larynx is relaxed.
It should be noted that when removing the actuator from the spray pump it should be done vertically and not at an angle to ensure the pin does not get damaged.
Maintain a patent airway and support ventilation with oxygen.