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Contra-indications, warnings, etc
A diffuse and oedematous swelling up to 10 cm in diameter, sometimes sensitive to palpation, could occur in up to 40% of animals and can last for up to 66 days after completion of vaccination. The reaction to subsequent vaccinations and the reaction in pregnant animals are more marked. The injection site reaction may be sensitive to palpation the week following vaccination and may persist as a hard nodule for several weeks.
No adverse drug reactions other than those listed above occurred after administration of twice the normal dose. As part of the natural response following vaccination, and following an overdose of twice the maximum dose of the vaccine, a reactive lymphadenopathy in the local lymph node as well as production of a subcutaneous, granulomatous, inflammatory reaction could be visible under the skin for at least 2 months. The total duration of this reaction in the underlying tissues is not known.
The swelling is more marked in pregnant animals. A diffuse swelling of up to 22 cm in diameter can occur following the second injection. This swelling is more marked in pregnant animals especially in their third trimester.
Vaccinated cattle may be positive for diagnostic tests for leptospirosis and therefore unacceptable for export to some countries.
Withdrawal Period
Zero days.
User Warnings
Even though animals may have been vaccinated, the risk of transmission of leptospirosis from cattle to their handlers, albeit very much reduced, remains. Appropriate precautions should be maintained at all times and prompt medical advice sought in the event of clinical signs of possible infection.