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Contra-indications, warnings, etc
Not for use in animals in shock or post traumatically, or with existing severe emotional excitation or epilepsy.
Special warnings for each target species
Sedation lasts for approximately six hours, although the actual time and depth of sedation are very dependent on the status of the individual animal.
Increasing the dosage results in prolonged action and side effects but no greater sedation.
Special precautions for use in animals
Do not use in cases of post traumatic hypovolemia.
Operator warning
In the case of accidental ingestion contact a physician showing the pack insert or product label to the physician. Wash hands and exposed skin thoroughly after use. Persons with sensitive skin or in continuous contact are advised to wear impermeable gloves. Avoid contact with eyes. If accidental eye contact occurs, flush gently with running water for 15 minutes and seek medical advice if any irritation persists.
Adverse reactions (frequency and seriousness)
Since acepromazine decreases sympathetic nervous system tone, a transient drop in blood pressure may occur after its administration. Acepromazine inhibits temperature regulation.
The following reversible changes are possible in the haemogram: Transient decrease in the erythrocyte count and haemoglobin concentration as well as in thrombocyte and leukocyte counts.
Because it increases prolactin secretion, the administration of acepromazine may lead to disturbances in fertility.
Penile prolapse may occur due to the relaxation of the retractor penis muscles. Retraction of the penis should be visible within two to three hours. If this does not take place, it is advised to contact a veterinary surgeon. Lack of retraction is of particular concern in breeding stallions. Acepromazine has caused paraphimosis sometimes in a sequel to priapism.
Use during pregnancy or lactation
Acepromazine should not be used in pregnant or lactating mares.
In stallions the lowest dose range is indicated to minimise prolapse of the penis.
Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction
Acepromazine potentiates the action of centrally depressant drugs. The simultaneous use of organic phosphate esters increases the toxicity of acepromazine. Since acepromazine decreases sympathetic nervous system tone, it should not be given at the same time as blood pressure reducing drugs.
Overdose (symptoms, emergency procedures, antidotes) if necessary
Overdosage results in an earlier onset of the sedative symptoms and in a prolonged effect.
Toxic effects are: ataxia, hypotensia, hypothermia, extrapyramidal effects.
Noradrenaline can be used to counteract the cardiovascular effects. Methylamphetamine has been recommended for the treatment of aberrant reactions in horses.
Withdrawal period
Not authorised for use in horses intended for human consumption.
Simultaneous administration or administration to patients who were treated recently with organophosphates should be avoided, since these molecules enhance the toxic effects of acepromazine.
Simultaneous treatment with blood pressure lowering products should be avoided.