Target species
Pigs (weaned piglets), cattle (pre-ruminant calves), chickens (broilers) and rabbits.
Indications for use, specifying the target species
Pigs (weaned piglets): Treatment of bacterial enteritis caused by Escherichia coli susceptible to apramycin.
Pre-ruminant calves: Treatment of bacterial enteritis caused by Escherichia coli and clinical outbreaks due to Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Dublin (Salmonella Dublin) susceptible to apramycin. Treatment should be based on prior confirmation of the Salmonella serovars involved or at least the availability of epidemiological data confirming the presence of this serovar.
Chickens: Treatment of colibacillosis caused by Escherichia coli susceptible to apramycin.
Rabbits: Treatment and metaphylaxis of bacterial enteritis caused by Escherichia coli susceptible to apramycin. The presence of the disease in the herd must be established before the product is used.