Withdrawal periods table
Cattle Milk
Cattle Meat
Sheep Meat
Pigs Meat
Poultry Meat
Poultry Eggs
Fish Meat

Zero hours
Zero days

Not authorised for use in horses intended for human consumption.

Zero hours
Zero days

Do not use in rabbits intended for human consumption.

48 hours
5 days
3 days

4 days
8 days

and Offal: 2 days

and offal: 2 days

and offal: 2 days
Eggs (chicken): zero days. Turkeys: See notes
Turkeys: Not for use in birds producing or intended to produce eggs for human consumption. Do not use within 21 days of the start of the laying period.

and offal: 2 days
See notes
Do not release pheasants for at least two days after the end of medication.
Not for use in birds producing or intended to produce eggs for human consumption.
Do not use within 14 days of the start of the laying period.

and offal: 2 days

Zero hours
Zero days
Zero days
Zero days
Sheep milk: Zero hours

8 days
41 days
24 days
20 days
Sheep Milk: 7 days

8 days
See Notes
See Notes
20 mg/kg dose: Cattle Meat & offal: 28 days/Pigs Meat & offal 14 days/ Sheep Meat & offal 28 days. 30mg/kg dose: Cattle Meat & Offal: 35 days/Pigs Meat & Offal 28 days/Sheep Meat & Offal 28 days. Sheep milk - 8 days

60 hours
14 days
5 days
Not for use in sheep producing milk for human consumption

84 hours
3 days

Do not use in rabbits intended for human consumption.

IV: 24 hours, IM: 36 hours
IV: 10 days, IM: 31 days
20 days
Meat and Offal:10 days
Milk: the product is not authorised for use in lactating animals producing milk for human consumption.

Zero degree days

Zero degree days

9 Days
Withdrawal applies to meat and offal

60 days
60 days
60 days
Not authorised for use in animals producing milk for human consumption.

20 days

Zero days
Zero days

5 degree days

Horse: Meat and offal - 1 day; Milk - 24 hours

See notes
28 days
Not for use in lactating animals producing milk for human consumption. Do not use in non-lactating dairy cows including pregnant dairy heifers within 60 days prior to calving.

10 days
Do not use in lactating sheep producing milk for human consumption. Sheep must not be treated within 60 days prior to the commencement of lactation, if milk is to be used for human consumption.

See notes
49 days
28 days
Do not use in lactating cows producing milk for human consumption. Do not use in cattle producing milk for human consumption or in dairy cows within 60 days prior to calving.

Meat and offal: 34 days. Do not use in mares producing milk for human consumption.

See notes
66 days
Do not use in cattle producing milk for human consumption. Do not use in non-lactating dairy cows including pregnant heifers within 60 days of calving.

864 hours
70 days
42 days
If Apotil is administered to cows during the dry period or to pregnant dairy heifers, milk should not be used for human consumption until 36 days after calving. If it is administered to ewes during the dry period or to pregnant ewes, milk should not be used for human consumption until 18 days after lambing.

14 Days

28 days
Zero days
Zero days
See notes
Rabbit Meat Zero days. Not for use in birds producing or intended to produce eggs for human consumption. Do not use within 4 weeks of the start of the laying period.

1 day

28 days
Zero days
Zero days

n/a Do not use in animals intended for human consumption

720 degree days

Zero degrees days

Zero degree days

Zero degree days

Zero hours
Meat & Offal: Zero days
Meat & Offal: Zero days
Meat & Offal: Zero days

Zero hours
Meat & Offal: Zero days
Meat & Offal: Zero days
Meat & Offal: Zero days

Zero days

Horse meat and offal: 18 days. Not authorised for use in horses producing milk for human consumption.

Horse meat and offal: 18 days. Not authorised for use in horses producing milk for human consumption.

10 days
2 days
Ducks (meat): 4 days. Eggs: chickens, turkeys and ducks: eggs of treated animals should not be used for human consumption.

10 days
2 days
Ducks (meat): 4 days. Not to be used in laying birds producing eggs for human consumption

6 months

8 months

5 days
Turkeys, pheasants, guinea fowl, quails and partridges: 5 days

Zero days.

Zero Days
See notes
Do not use in birds in lay.

Zero days

Zero days

21 days
21 days
Turkey meat and offal 70 days after 1st vacc, 49 days after repeated vacc

21 days

21 days
21 days

Zero days

Zero days

Zero days

Zero days

Zero days

Zero days

16 days
Not authorised for use in laying birds producing eggs for human consumption.
Not authorised for use in laying birds producing eggs for human consumption. Do not use within 4 weeks of onset of laying.

53 days

see notes
63 days
42 days
77 days
Not permitted for use in lactating animals producing milk for human consumption.

8 days
Not for use in exotic animals or birds intended for human consumption. Not for use in poultry.

see notes
see notes
Not authorised for use in birds producing eggs for human consumption. Withdrawal period: Chickens: Meat and offal: 7 days. Turkeys: Meat and offal: 13 days. Rabbits: Meat and offal: 3 days.

13 days
Rabbits: meat and offal: 6 days. Do not use in birds intended for human consumption.

s.c.: 12 days, i.v.: 5 days
4 days
13 days
Not authorised for use in cattle producing milk for human consumption. Sheep milk: 72 hours. Goats meat and offal: 6 days. Goats milk 96 hours.

s.c. 96 hours, i.v. 72 hours
s.c. 12 days, i.v. 5 days
4 days
13 days
Sheep milk: 72 hours, Goats meat: 6 days, Goats milk: 96 hours

s.c.: 120 hours, i.v.: 72 hours
s.c.: 14 days, i.v.: 7 days
12 days

10 days

24 hours
18 days
10 days
16 days
Not for use in sheep producing milk for human consumption

108 hours
39 days
29 days
42 days
Contraindicated for use in sheep producing milk for human consumption

28 days
Not intended for use in animals producing milk for human consumption

See Notes
49 days
42 days
28 days
Do not use in lactating dairy cows. Do not use in non-lactating dairy cows incl. pregnant dairy heifers within 60 days of calving.

See notes
31 days
Not for use in animals producing milk for human consumption

Horses: 34 days

See notes
66 days
Do not use in cattle producing milk for human consumption. Do not use in non-lactating dairy cows including pregnant dairy heifers within 60 days of calving.

Zero hours
15 days

72 hours
21 days
19 days
24 days
Not for use in ewes producing milk for human consumption or food processing

Zero hours
1 day
Offal: 1 day

1 day
Offal: 1 day

2 days
Zero days
Not permitted for use in cows producing milk for human consumption.

Zero days
Zero days
Zero days

156 hours after calving. See notes
28 days
See datasheet - must not be used in treatment of lactating cows. Not intended for use in within 49 days of calving.

Zero days
Zero days

Zero days
Zero days

See notes
Zero days
Do not use during pregnancy and lactation

See notes
Zero days
Do not use during pregnancy and lactation

Zero days
Zero days

Zero days
Zero days

84 hours
19 days
24 days
Do not use in sheep producing milk for human consumption

Zero hours
Zero days

Zero hours
Zero days

Zero hours
Zero days

Zero days
Zero days

Zero days
Zero days

Zero hours
Zero days

Zero hours
Zero days

Zero days

Zero hours
Zero days

4 days
10 days

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Zero hours
Zero days
Zero days

Zero days
Zero days
Zero days

The product is not authorised for use in horses intended for human consumption.

Not authorised for use in horses intended for human consumption.

See note
Calf meat and offal: 2 days
Horse meat and offal: 1 day. Not permitted for use in lactating animals producing milk for human consumption.

9 days iv, 28 days im
Horse meat and offal: 12 days. Not permitted for use in cows producing milk for human consumption.

Horse meat: Zero days
Horse milk: Zero hours

Horses: Not for use in horses intended for human consumption. Treated horses should never be slaughtered for human consumption. The horse must be declared as not intended for human consumption under national horse passport regulation.

Zero hours
20 days

Zero hours
Zero days

Zero hours
Zero days

Zero hours
21 days

See notes
2 days
1 day after calving when the dry period is more than 5 weeks. 36 days after treatment where the dry period is 5 weeks or less.

Zero hours
19 days

Zero hours
Zero days

Zero hours
Zero days

24 hours after calving if the interval between treatment and calving is 32 days or longer.
33 days after treatment if the interval between treatment and calving is less than 32 days.
14 days

96 hours (if calving ≥ 54 days after treatment), 54 days + 96 hours (if calving is ≤ 54 days after treatment)
21 days

96 hours after calving if the dry period is longer than 54 days
58 days following treatment if the dry period is less than or equal to 54 days.
21 Days

See notes
See notes
Meat: 42 days from last vaccination. Eggs: 21 days after third vaccination

7 days

Zero days

zero days
zero days

Zero days
Zero days

Zero days
Zero days

Zero days

Zero days
Zero days

Zero hours
1 day

Zero hours
8 days
5 days
Cattle offal : 8 days, Pig offal: 5 days

63 days
77 days
Pig offal: 77 days. Cattle offal: 63 days. Not authorised for use in animals producing milk for human consumption.

See notes
20 days
20 days
Not for use in animals producing milk for human consumption.

See notes
14 days
Not for use in animals from which milk is produced for human consumption. Not to be used in horses intended for human consumption. Treated horses may never be slaughtered for human consumption. The horse must have been declared as not intended for human consumption under national horse passport legislation.

Not to be used in horses intended for human consumption. Treated horses may never be slaughtered for human consumption. The horse must have been declared as not intended for human consumption under national horse passport legislation.

Not for use in horses intended for human consumption.
Treated horses may never be slaughtered for human consumption.
The horse must have been declared as not intended for human consumption under national horse passport legislation.

n/a Do not use in animals intended for human consumption

6 days
3 days
Not for use in laying birds producing eggs for human consumption.

Zero hours
Zero days
Horses - meat: Zero days

2 days after sponge removal
Sheep milk: Zero hours including treatment time.

Zero days
Zero days

Zero days.
Sheep milk: zero hours.

Zero days

Zero days

45 days

60 hours
54 days
47 days
47 days
Not for use in sheep producing milk for human consumption

40 days
Not permitted for use in lactating animals producing milk for human consumption.

40 days
Not authorised for use in animals producing milk for human consumption.

7 days
Not authorised for use in animals producing milk for human consumption.

58 days
See data sheet. Not authorised for cattle producing milk for human consumption including dry period.

See datasheet
49 days
28 days
Milk: Not authorised for use in cattle and sheep for human consumption

zero degree days

24 hours
5 days
3 days

5 days (120 hours)
4 days
See datasheet, when using Cobactan MC and Cobactan 25 mg/ml in combination.

Zero days

Zero days

Pigeons: Zero days

84 hours
21 days
Horses: Do not use in horses intended for human consumption

84 hours
7 days
Combined Therapy: When using this product and Combiclav Injection in combination: Meat and offal: 42 days Milk: 84 hours From the last treatment of Combiclav Injection following the minimum posology regime.

60 hours
42 days

56 days
Not authorised for use in cattle producing milk for human consumption including during the dry period. Do not use during the last trimester of pregnancy in heifers which are intended to produce milk for human consumption.

56 days
Not authorised for use in ewes producing milk for human consumption

Horse meat and offal : Zero days. Do not use in pregnant and lactating animals which are intended to produce milk for human consumption.

Zero hours
Zero days

Zero hours
Zero days
Zero days

Zero days

Zero days
Zero days

Zero days
Zero days
Zero days

Zero days
Zero days
Zero days

Zero hours
Zero days
Goat meat, milk and offal: Zero days

1 day
Turkeys: 1 day

Zero days
Rabbits 2 days. Guinea fowl zero days

Equine meat and offal: 15 days.
Not authorised for use in animals producing milk for human consumption.

12 hours following cessation of treatment
8 days from the last treatment
Not to be used in horses intended for human consumption.
Treated horses may never be slaughtered for human consumption.
The horse must have been declared as not intended for human consumption under national horse passport legislation

8 days
Sheep milk: 5 days

Zero hours
2 days

Zero hours
2 days

Zero hours
Zero days
Zero days
Zero days
Do not use on the udder of lactating animals if milk is intended for human consumption. Stained part of the pigskin must be removed prior to the rest of the animal being used for human consumption.

8 days
35 days
28 days

14 days
Sheep milk: 120 hours

6 days (144 hours)
14 days

70 days
Not for use in sheep producing milk for human consumption or industrial purposes, including the dry period.

108 days
Not for use in lactating animals producing milk for human consumption or industrial purposes or within 80 days of expected parturition.

104 days
Milk: Not permitted for use in dairy sheep, at any stage of life.

31 days
Milk: not permitted for use in sheep producing milk intended for human consumption

143 days
Milk: Do not use in cattle of any age intended to produce milk for human consumption.

Not to be used in animals intended for human consumption. Treated horses may never be slaughtered for human consumption.

Zero days
Zero days
Do not use in lactating sheep or cattle producing milk for human consumption

Not permitted for use in lactating animals producing milk for human consumption.
35 days

Not permitted for use in lactating animals producing milk for human consumption.
70 days
70 days

Zero hours
17 days
35 days
Not for use in ewes producing milk for human consumption

Zero hours
17 days
35 days
Sheep Milk: Zero hours

Zero hours
17 days
35 days
Sheep Milk: Zero hours

6 Days
Chickens 1 Day; Turkeys 4 Days
Zero Days
Rabbit meat Zero Days

2 Days
Chickens 2 Days; Turkeys 5 Days
Zero Days

22 Days

Not to be used in animals intended for human consumption

Do not use in horses intended for human consumption

264 hours (11 days)
5 days
5 days
5 days

Zero hours
Zero days
Horses: Zero days

12 hours
2 days
Horse :
Meat and offal: 2 days
Milk:12 hours

72 hours
8 days
2 days
Horses: 8 days

72 hours
8 days
2 days
Horses - meat and offal 8 days. Not authorised for use in horses producing milk for human consumption.

144 hours (6 days)
63 days
Not to be used in horses intended for human consumption.

48 hours
Meat and Offal: 12 days
Meat and Offal: 20 days

Meat and offal: 28 days. Not authorised for use in lactating animals producing milk for human consumption.

24 hours
28 days
Not to be used in horses intended for human consumption - see data sheet

zero hours
2 days
3 days
Horse meat and offal 1 day. Not authorised for use in mares producing milk for human consumption

Not applicable

Horse: Meat and offal - Zero days. Milk - Zero days

12 hours
2 days
Horse meat and offal: 2 days; Horse milk: 12 hours.

Horses (meat & offal): 1 day

Horses: Meat & offal - Zero Days, Milk - Zero Hours

The product is not authorised for use in horses intended for human consumption.

Meat and offal: 4 days
See Notes
See Notes
Chickens:Meat and offal: 3 days (at a dose rate of 10 mg/kg b.w.)/Meat and offal: 9 days (at a dose rate of 20 mg/kg b.w.).
Eggs: Not authorised for use in laying birds producing eggs for human consumption.

7 days
8 days
5 days
Not authorised for use in laying birds producing eggs for human consumption

13 days

22 days
16 days
13 days
Do not use in lactating cattle producing milk for human consumption. Do not use in pregnant cows or heifers, which are intended to produce milk for human consumption, within 2 months of expected parturition.

50 days
Not authorised for use in cattle producing milk for human consumption.

84 hours
21 days
Not to be used in horses intended for human consumption

Zero hours
Zero days
Zero days

24 hours
18 days
10 days
16 days
Not for use in sheep producing milk for human consumption

48 hours
12 days
20 days
Not for use in horses intended for human consumption

Cattle (calves): zero days
Sheep (lambs): zero days

Zero hours
28 days

49 days
Not to be used in sheep producing milk for human consumption

Meat and Offal: 12 days
The product can be administered to sows at any stage of pregnancy or lactation. This product can be used in breeding animals

See notes
and offal: 31 days
Not permitted for use in lactating cattle producing milk for human consumption. Do not use in non-lactating diary cows, including pregnant dairy heifers, within 60 days of calving.

and Offal: 12 days
The product can be administered to sows at any stage of pregnancy or lactation. This product can be used in breeding animals.

and offal: 49 days
and offal: 42 days
and offal: 28 days
Do not use in lactating dairy cows and sheep producing milk for human consumption. Do not use in non-lactating dairy cows, including pregnant dairy heifers or non-lactating dairy sheep within 60 days of calving/lambing.

Zero days

and Offal: 3 days
Can be safely used during pregnancy and lactation.

8 days
Sheep Milk- 5 days

Zero days
8 days
5 days

Not authorised for use in horses intended for human consumption.

zero days

1 day
For use in broilers and layer replacement chickens & turkeys only. Do not feed to guinea fowl or other avian species, or to chickens or turkeys producing eggs.

Not to be used on animals intended for human consumption. Treated horses may never be slaughtered for human consumption. The horse must have been declared as not intended for human consumption under national horse passport legislation.

See notes
56 days
56 days
Cattle Milk: may only be taken from 48 hours after calving. Not intended for use within 45 days of calving. If calving occurs before 45 days after treatment, milk for human consumption may only be 45 days plus 48 hours after the treatment. Sheep Milk: Not authorised for use in ewes producing milk for human consumption including during the dry period. Do not use within 1 year prior to the first lambing in ewes intended to produce milk for human consumption.

60 hours
14 days
4 days
Not for use in sheep producing milk for human consumption

60 hours
14 days
4 days
Not for use in sheep producing milk for human consumption

6 days
35 days
14 days
14 days

144 hours (6 days)
21-35 days
14 days
10-14 days

8 days
41 days
24 days
20 days

Zero hours
Zero days
Zero days
Zero days

See notes
28 days
Not to be used on animals producing milk for human consumption. Do not use in non-lactating dairy cows, including pregnant heifers, within 60 days of calving.

See Notes
Meat & Offal: 13 days
Calves: Meat & Offal: I/V 5 days; S/C 12 days; Not authorised for use in animals producing milk for human consumption.

Chickens : 7 days; Turkeys: 13 days
See notes
Not authorised for use in laying birds producing eggs for human consumption. Do not administer to layer replacement birds within 14 days of coming into lay.

Zero days

Zero days

Zero days

Zero hours
2 Days
2 days