Legal Category
The following abbreviations are used under the heading 'Legal category' in entries in the Compendium.
Authorised veterinary medicines fall within the first four categories, which were established by the Veterinary Medicines Regulations.
Veterinary prescription
In the UK there are two classes of medicines available only on veterinary prescription, POM-V and POM-VPS. Only in the case of POM-V medicines does that veterinary prescription have to be issued by a veterinary surgeon.
The act of prescribing is taken to be the decision made by the prescriber as to which product should be supplied taking account of:
the circumstances of the animals being treated;
the available authorised veterinary medicinal products;
the need for responsible use of medicines and the requirement to prescribe the minimum amount of product necessary for the treatment (subject to the minimum pack size manufactured and any authority to break bulk in the Regulations);
the abilities and competence of the person who will administer the product; and
any available animal health plan.
Product Classifications
POM-V medicines A Veterinary Medicinal Product (VMP) that has been classified as a POM-V may only be supplied to the client once it has been prescribed by a veterinary surgeon following a clinical assessment of an animal, or group of animals, under the veterinary surgeon's care.
Controlled Drugs (CD) All CDs are listed in one of five Schedules in the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001 (MDR) and the Misuse of Drugs Regulations (Northern Ireland)(MDR (NI)) 2002. A list of commonly encountered CDs can be found on the Home Office website ( and requests to establish the control status of other drugs can be sent to Home Office licensing enquiries at . The substances are scheduled according to their therapeutic usefulness and need for legitimate access, as well as potential for misuse and the harms caused by that misuse, to both the individual and society. Schedule 1 CDs are subject to the greatest restrictions and Schedule 5 the least. Further information on the laws as they relate to veterinary medicines can be found at
POM-VPS A veterinary medicines classified as POM-VPS may be prescribed by any Registered Qualified Person (RQP - a veterinarian, a pharmacist or an appropriately qualified SQP). A clinical assessment of the animal(s) is not required when prescribing this category of veterinary medicine and the animal does not have to be seen by the prescriber. However sufficient information about the animal and the way it is kept must be known to the prescriber in order to prescribe and supply appropriately.
NFA-VPS A veterinary medicine classified as NFA-VPS may be supplied by an RQP (a veterinarian, a pharmacist or an appropriately qualified SQP) provided the requirements for supply are met. These medicines do not require a prescription.
AVM-GSL medicines There are no legal restrictions in the VMR for the retail supply of veterinary medicines classified as AVM-GSL ("over the counter" medicine) but a responsible approach to the supply of these medicines is still expected.
Small Animal Exemption Schemes (SAES) (also referred to as 'Exemptions for Small Pet Animals')(ESPA)The SAES permits certain medicines to be placed on the market without a marketing authorisation (MA), subject to certain conditions. (The Regulatory body, the VMD, refer to this scheme as 'Exemptions for Small Pet Animals' (ESPA)). This exemption scheme applies only to veterinary medicines labelled exclusively for use in one or more of the following animals that are not intended for human consumption: aquarium animals (including fish kept in closed water systems), cage birds (meaning birds kept in cages or aviaries), homing pigeons (meaning pigeons kept for racing or exhibition), terrarium animals (meaning reptiles, amphibians and arthropods kept in tanks and cages - including animals free-living in domestic gardens), small rodents (meaning domestic mammals of the order rodentia), ferrets and rabbits.
Specified Feed Additives Feed additives authorised under Regulation EU 1831/2003 belonging to the functional groups; coccidiostats, histomonostats and certain other zootechnical additives ie non-antibiotic growth promoters.
SAES products include:-
Beaphar UK Ltd
Anti-parasite Spot on for Hamsters & Gerbils
Anti-parasite Spot on for Rabbits & Guinea Pigs
Dechra Veterinary Products
Xeno 50-mini
Xeno 450
F10 Products Limited
F10 Antispetic Solution - Concentrated and RTU
F10 Germicidal Barrier Ointment; F10 Germicidal Barrier Ointment with Insecticide
F10 Germicidal Treatment Shampoo; F10 Germicidal Treatment Shampoo with Insecticide
F10 Germicidal Wound Spray with Insecticide
MSD Animal Health
Panacur Rabbit 18.75% Oral Paste
VETARK Professional
Fluke-Solve Aquarium